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About SMOE


Superintendent of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Cho Hee-Yeon

Cho Hee-Yeon

Education in Seoul Strives to Achieve Future-Oriented Education that Promotes Coexistence.

The public education in South Korea which has become an advanced nation should provide content that is on par with that provided in many advanced nations around the world.

This is a crucial challenge Korean public education currently faces.

And in taking up this challenge, we need new educational values, aims and ideas.

Education in Seoul strives to achieve “future-oriented education that promotes coexistence”.

In these times of complicated challenges, crises and conflicts, capabilities that enable coexistence of not only individuals with different opinions but also nature and technologies are essential.

For our students to acquire the strengths to adapt in this globalized world, fight climate change and take up challenges of the era of artificial intelligence, they need robust basic education and an awareness of coexistence.

While inheriting the positive outcomes of the Seoul Innovative Education Policy over the past decade, we will come out of the shadows of the Innovative Education Policy and offer newly innovated and supplemented education.

Also, by taking up new challenges of the future, we will strive to transform our current education system into a future-oriented one.

Dear members of the educational community of Seoul. Please join us in combining innovation with the values and wisdoms of coexistence to make education in Seoul more inclusive, robust and rich.

Thank you.

Superintendent of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Cho Hee-Yeon

Department in Charge

Administrative Management Division 82-2-3999-356