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About SMOE

District Offices

District Offices of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education

According to Article 34 and 35 of the Local Education Autonomy Act, 11 District Education Offices have been established within Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, with each District Office having jurisdiction over 2 or 3 districts of 25 autonomous districts in Seoul.

The key role of the district office is to establish and execute regional education plans and to assist educational activities by serving as an intermediary between the Seoul office and each school.

District Education Offices are commissioned to "guide and supervise the operation and management of public and private kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and other equivalent schools" and to perform other duties stipulated in administrative regulations, upon the Superintendent's request.

In addition, all the education community members in District Education Offices are striving relentlessly to accomplish the common educational goals of student development and overall improvement in quality of education.

District Offices of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education

Department in Charge

Administrative Management Division 82-2-3999-356