Seoul Education
Seoul Education Policy
2023-2026 Seoul Medium-Term Education Development Plan
Enacted on the basis of the Enforcement Rules of the Ordinance on the Establishment of Administrative Organizations of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, the 2023-2026 Seoul Medium-Term Education Development Plan lays down concrete strategies to implement the four visions for the future and the ten promises specified in the Seoul Medium-Term Education Development Plan Committee Final Report: Seoul Future Education 2030 released on April 16, 2022.
The main features of the 2023-2026 Seoul Medium-Term Education Development Plan can be summarized as follows. First, rather than a top-down directive from the SMOE to each school, the Plan is intended as an agreement shaped by all stakeholders of Seoul Education, ranging from schools to the SMOE, based on the principles of agency, autonomy, and openness. Second, the Plan supplements the Key Tasks of Seoul Education and the Seoul Metropolitan City Superintendent Election Pledge Action Plan, and seeks to clarify the integrated core medium-term tasks for Seoul Education. Third, in order to consolidate the implementation of Seoul Education policies, the integrated tasks were selected by different departments within the SMOE as early as the planning phase, and further developed by the collective intelligence of the relevant teams.
As such, the 2023-2026 Seoul Medium-term Education Development Plan is not a finished document. It is a common ideal and ongoing plan created by the Seoul Education Community and it will constantly evolve as in every step forward Seoul education policy takes, we will look back on where we have been and look ahead to determine where we are headed. The following section lists the six integrated tasks selected by the Office of Planning and Coordination, the Education Policy Bureau, the Lifelong and Vocational Education Bureau, and the Education Administration Bureau, as well as their respective subtasks.